Counseling Service of Eastern District New York (CSEDNY) welcomes people who have had trouble in the past conquering their addictions. CSEDNY has an established track record of efficacy and success. By setting clear and attainable goals, men and women in treatment at CSEDNY can start and stay on the road to recovery. Most individuals who complete the treatment program achieve many or all of their goals.
Government funders consistently award CSEDNY their highest rankings for clinical excellence. CSEDNY exceeds the state average for the number of clients with chemical addictions who complete treatment, and the agency is a leader statewide in reducing arrests for clients with criminal justice histories.
Improving clients’ employment and housing status is a hallmark of CSEDNY’s success, and results from its strong collaborations with vocational, educational and housing providers.
Our treatment staff are all licensed professionals.
We work closely with parole and probation departments, court diversion programs,Family Court and mental health programs to help even their most challenging clients.